US Lawn Bows Open is Underway!

The US Lawn Bowls Open is on its second day of action!

Our vary own Ladies team from Canada Consisting of Shannon Battles, Heather battles, Laura Seed and Kelly McKerinhen lost a battle in the fours championship final losing to a team from the USA consisting of Fossati, Nunes, Cronshaw and Spangler; well done Ladies! . (Picture Below)

Shannon Battles, Laura Seed, Heather Battles, Kelly McKerihen

The men have been battling it out playing their Singles event over the past two days! It was Michael Siddall of the USA who took first Place out off 112 men! Way to go.

Michael Siddall of Team USA

A shout out to the Canadiands! Pin it! Good luck the rest of the week.

You can follow all the draw action at

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